As you prayer walk the campus…
1. Praise and thank God for what he’s already done and remember his faithfulness.
2. Ask for Gods heart for people. Pray for those you walk past and ask God to see people the way he sees them.
3. Pray for a move of God.
Pray for a move of God in our church that ignites a passion for him and for people. revival starts with us!
Open doors to share the gospel.
Relational opportunities
Break down barriers (Covid regulations, cultural, personal backgrounds and hurt, apathy, self focus, etc)
Open hearts to receive the gospel. That God would begin to soften people’s hearts and draw them to him.
Open heavens. That we would see His spirit move like never before. For salvations, healings, and miracles to break out!
4. listen and write down if you hear specifics.
People groups (sports team, majors, ethnicities, dorms, etc)
Outreach idea
Way that you should serve or get involved
Way that our church can grow in love, passion, unity, and mission.